
How to Create a ZOOM Server-to-Server APP for Moodle

#Moodle #ZOOMAPI #Servertoserver #moodleadmin #Zoommarketplace ZOOM will no longer be using the same API with JWT. The old API will be deprecated in June 2023. This video is for admins of a Moodle site or anyone interested in learning how to create a ZOOM server-to-server App for Moodle. If you're a teacher or a student on a Moodle site with ZOOM as the live online meeting, share this video with your admin. Some admins have been having problems with the new ZOOM server to server app, but it's actually a lot easier to create than the old one. Information admins of a Moodle site will need: * Moodle ZOOM plugin: * ZOOM Marketplace: * Teachers Teaching Teachers

About the Presenters of VWMOOC22

The eighth annual Second Life MOOC (renamed the Virtual World MOOC in 2018) started in 2014. VWMOOC22 will take place from September 1-30, 2022. ✅ Syllabus ✅ Presenters ✅ ZOOM Meetings ✅ Recordings on YouTube ✅ VWMOOC22 on Moodle (Certificates and digital badges) ✅ VWMOOC22 in Second Life ✅ Facebook The theme of the current MOOC is “Connecting in Virtual Worlds. Communities of Practice” There is a plethora of communities in virtual worlds promoting education and learn...

Everything about MMVC22 International 3-Day Online Conference

Dr. Nellie Deutsch gives an overview of MMVC22 Introducing the syllabus and the presenters of MMVC22, how to access and qualify for the digital badges and certificate, and the layout of MMVC22 Moodle conference area. There are 26 speakers from 13 countries at the 11th annual MMVC22. The virtual conference will take place from August 5-7, 2022. The purpose of the conference is for educators to engage in learning best practices and challenges involved in teaching and learning face-to-face and online (blended and fully online learning) using Moodle and other technologies. The theme of MMVC22 is teaching and learning with and without technology. MMVC22 will take place on a Moodle site. Enroll in MMVC22 Moodle site to get access to the live sessions, content before and after the conference, your badges and final certificate for reflecting and presenting here https://integrating-technol...

About the Presenters of MMVC22 Free International Event


Activity Completion for Forums on Moodle ✅ 4

#GradedForums #WholeForum #ForumRatings #GradedActivities #MoodleForums Teachers can grade student discussions using Ratings or Whole Forum in a Moodle course with the activity completion option for grades.

Start an Online Course on ✅ Moodle 4.0 ✅ from Scratch

Learn how to create an online course on Moodle 4.0 from scratch. You may wish to get your own Moodle course for free and start teaching on Teachers Teaching Teachers for unlimited number of students and other benefits. Take a look at the online conferences, workshops, and free online courses all year round You can give or take Moodle training and professional development courses for free at and here