About the Presenters of VWMOOC22

The eighth annual Second Life MOOC (renamed the Virtual World MOOC in 2018) started in 2014. VWMOOC22 will take place from September 1-30, 2022. ✅ Syllabus https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OhYjD04kJJNvgwkcxdWW6dh3jQgE5eYASeVFJnaWJfQ/edit?usp=sharing ✅ Presenters https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L-0JybIMtOXsBubJLHp29y1QWAltfhcHS5Dgxj5PuA4/edit?usp=sharing ✅ ZOOM Meetings https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SD_K8x089JYv9oFKt7nYPyvNyN3rHcOfLdGHIY6osFY/edit?usp=sharing ✅ Recordings on YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8JUcjyABKxmK6Ngw1Vu2434Bz-_I9Hzd ✅ VWMOOC22 on Moodle (Certificates and digital badges) https://integrating-technology.org/course/view.php?id=114 ✅ VWMOOC22 in Second Life http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chilbo/167/53/97 ✅ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/vwmooc/ The theme of the current MOOC is “Connecting in Virtual Worlds. Communities of Practice” There is a plethora of communities in virtual worlds promoting education and learning through connecting online via web technologies such as Second Life. The MOOC will focus on connecting online for collaborative learning and teaching around the world through virtual worlds like Second Life, Digiworldz, Kitely, Minecraft, or OpenSim. The live presentations will include the speakers’ reflective process on teaching and learning in fully online and blended learning formats. VWMOOC22 is for educators, schools, and public and private businesses that wish to provide training in virtual worlds. Weekly badges and a final certificate of completion will be available for free. There are 2 VWMOOC22 learning environments: Moodle for Teachers https://integrating-technology.org/enrol/index.php?id=114 and VMMOOC Headquarters https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chilbo/167/53/97 We also have an exhibition with different presentations where participants will be able to review the slides and get resources from each one of the presenters.


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